This is a step-by-step document on how to create a Virtual Private Cloud in AWS. A virtual private cloud is a virtual network that is a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud. To follow along, create an AWS account, it is free.
Log in to your AWS account
Open your favourite browser and sign in to your AWS account, then click on the VPC icon.
Next, select the VPC to continue configuring your virtual private cloud. You can notice that there is one VPC already created. This is the default VPC added by AWS.
Once clicked, you will notice the default VPC signified by an arrow in the VPC dashboard. Select the "Create VPC" identified in the dashboard area.
Select VPC only to create a virtual private cloud or "VPC and more" to create a virtual private cloud, subnets and route tables together. However, we will be creating only one VPC. Fill in all the details and select Create VPC.
The detailed information on the VPC is shown once the creation is complete.
Minimal information on the VPC is also shown in the VPC dashboard.
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